Saturday, November 8, 2014

Week 0 for some, Week 8 for others

Praise the Lord for hands and feet. Today, we are walking and running like the children in the Congo have to do when they get their water from their streams. The water they get is dirty but the water we will be providing to their village is clean and free from germs. With this clean water, we can teach them to stop the spread of disease by simply washing their hands with clean water. Wow, something we take for granted here in our world of faucet driven hot and cold water. Our 19-person Team Newsong made their debut this morning. All in preparation for the L.A. Marathon and 2-person relay on March 15th, 2015. Of course, I was wearing my GARMIN 910XL watch, so the satellites helped to record our path around the blocks from our church parking lot. First, we went to the corner, turned right, turned right again then up the hill past the two lights and another right. Down past the park we strolled then executed a final right before we returned to the safety of Newsong's parking lot. It took us 34 minutes to cover the 1.56 mile loop. That is a 22 minute/mile pace and with only 89 feet gain in elevation. The graph of our maiden walk is shown below:
Monday starts the WEEK1 for the runners and walkers of the half marathon part of the race. We also found out that this is WEEK (like) 8 for the FULL marathoners. They already are at running a 5K. This 3.1 mile distance is supposed to have them run their fastest so they can gauge how long the complete marathon would take, at that pace. More to come...